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How I Learned To Love Drag Part 9

Standing in front of a full-length mirror in my private cubicle, I was almost ecstatic!

Looking back at me was a buff, naked Sharon Stone.

The blonde hair was pulled back neatly into a bun. She had that beautiful sultry smile, those perfect teeth, full lips, dark immaculate eyebrows, smoky smoldering eyes, that perfect iridescent skin; and yet, beneath the sexy sculpted exterior, was the hint of danger.

Even if my figure was shapely, my breasts didn't look realistic. The glued-on breasts were obviously false. No attempt had been made to blend the edge of the boobs with my real flesh.

Then there was what hung between my legs. That wouldn't do.

The decision as to what I else I should wear had been left up to me. Should I wear a false vagina? Or a gaff?

The false V string vagina was very tempting. The latex lips looked quite inviting. Although the prosthesis didn't look totally real, it certainly would pass the television camera's scrutiny of anything but a close up crotch shot. On the other hand, the gaff was a safe choice and it was as easy to put on as a bikini bottom.

"Stop admiring yourself," urged May from the other side of the cubicle. "They're waiting for you on the set. There's no time to dilly dally."

Quickly I made my selection.

Then May handed me a white dress over top of a shuttered door. Hurriedly I slipped the dress over my head. When I stepped out of my change cubicle, May helped zip up the back of the outfit.

The turtleneck dress was sleeveless and short - it showed a lot of leg. The white satin felt smooth and sexy against my skin. May offered the soft white jacket to me. I slipped my left arm in, and then the other.

I slipped on the proffered footwear. They were open-toed, white high heels with a sling-back strap.

Sharon Stone's captivating image looked back at me from the full-length mirror.

The transformation had come at the cost of the complete removal of my body hair. And my whole body felt so different. My skin felt so silky smooth! It felt so feminine! And sexy! And did I mention sexy!

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